Thursday, November 8, 2012

Weird, Funny Thanksgiving Wallpapers

In this article we'll look at several funny and bizarre Thanksgiving wallpapers. The first one isn't too surprising, as it includes a fairly common theme of a turkey turning the tables on the one looking to eat him. In this case one thing that is added is that the turkey is about to kill a Pilgrim hunting him, which would mean a disaster when contemplating this would be from the first Thanksgiving in American history. The turkey about to plant an axe in his skull looks like he won't have any problem doing the job.

The Simpsons have several different funny and odd Thanksgiving wallpapers, including this one where the turkey looks like you-know-who, which of course is why the Pilgrim Simpson's face is so surprised. And of course you see him dropping the ax, which means that Pilgrim was about to do to that turkey what the turkey was going to do to the Pilgrim above.

My favorite among the interesting Thanksgiving wallpapers was this one of the guy chancing the turkey with the Klingon war weapon. It's hilarious because he's taken on the persona of the fictional characters, and the turkey, from the look on his face, knows he's determined to score the kill. Funny.

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